Knit alongs are a really fun way to experience the community aspect of knitting. Several times a year, Westknits and Stephen & Penelope host events where knitters from around the world are invited to join in and knit something together!

The Westknits Yarn A Long (or YAL) is a yearly knit-along and yarn club hosted by Stephen & Penelope. When you purchase the Yarn A Long, you will receive three individual shipments, one per month in May, June and July. Each shipment includes exclusive hand-dyed yarn, an exclusive Westknits pattern, and a knitting-related gift.

SSAL stands for Surprise Sock Along! It’s a knit along (KAL) where we all knit the same pattern together during the specified time frame. The Surprise Sock Along adds an extra level of spice, because you won't know what the socks will look like until each week’s set of instructions (or clues) are released. A section of the pattern (clue) is released each week, and at the end of the Knit Along, the final design is revealed!

The Westknits Mystery Shawl Knit Along (MKAL) occurs each fall. Sign ups and kits launch in September as we collect colors to knit a surprise shawl pattern. We knit together throughout the month of October and Westknits releases a section of the pattern each week until the final design is revealed. The Mystery Shawl is a complete surprise, so when you sign up you just know what types of yarn you need and then Westknits entertains you with a beautiful show-stopping shawl.

The Westknits Hiberknitalong is our annual winter knit along that begins in December. The Hiberknitalong is focused on relaxing and cozy knitting projects as we knit together into the new year.
The Hiberknitalong is open for anyone to join with any yarn. Stephen & Penelope always prepare an abundant selection of kits and design fun goodies and notions to go along with these winter themed packages. It's so much fun to cozy up at home and cast on together to create a beautiful shawl to keep you warm all winter long!