What is your name?
My name is James Chandler, but people may know me best as James Makes Things!
Where do you live?
I currently live in the beautiful Cotswolds in the UK
What’s your dream knitting destination?
I dream of one day being able to visit New York again and finally attend Rhinebeck Sheep & Wool Festival.
Do you any knitting superpowers?
My ability to put colours together to create unique colour pallets for a project and not be afraid to experiment with clashing colour combinations.
Describe your knitting style in three words!
Bright, expressive and cosy
How many Westknits projects do you think you have made? When it comes to a Westknits project, I am a pretty selfish knitter! I like to keep them all to myself. I have definitely made at least 10 Westknits projects.
Favorite Westknits design?
I would have to say my ‘Eyeball Shawl’ and it is definitely my most worn too.
Favorite color?
This is a hard one because it literally changes all of the time, but I currently have a major love affair with anything green!